
On behalf of MUDJJ and the Haitian People, Eliphete Joseph sent a letter to the High Court of Kenya

today2024-06-07 2

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Higher Honorable of the High Court of Kenya,

High Court of Kenya’s Address

Supreme Court Building City Hall Way,

Nairobi, Kenya.

CC: Dr. Ekuru Aukot

Higher Honorable of the High Court of Kenya,

We, the members of MUDJJ, representing the Haitian people, place our trust in your esteemed court to bring forth justice and uphold the principles of democracy for both Kenyan and Haitian citizens. For centuries, neo-colonial forces have subjected us to various forms of oppression and exploitation. It is now imperative for our African brothers and sisters to recognize their identity and take pride in their heritage.

The recent actions by President Ruto are unconstitutional for both Kenya and Haiti. We categorically reject any possibility of experiencing an atrocity akin to « The Wagalla Massacre » on Haitian soil. Haiti, having gained its independence in 1804, stands as a beacon of liberty for all black nations worldwide. While Kenya achieved its independence in 1963, we have long understood the essence of freedom.

The global community is witnessing how imperialist powers are attempting to use President Ruto as a proxy to occupy our nation. As the descendants of Emperor Jean Jacques Dessalines, we are resolute in our determination to defend our sovereignty against any foreign military presence.

The intervention of external entities such as BUNIH and their proxies in our internal affairs is unacceptable. We view their actions as an invasion of our sovereignty and are prepared to take the necessary steps to expel them from our land.

The Haitian people are closely watching the upcoming court hearing on June 12, 2024. We stand in solidarity with the courageous efforts of Dr. Ekuru Aukot and Miruru Waweru, who have case to halt this classic occupation. We are counting on the High Court of Kenya to deliver a just verdict that will reinforce the principles of justice and sovereignty of nations.

We urge you to consider the plight of the Haitian people and the broader implications of this case. Your decision will not only impact the future of Haiti but will also serve as a testament to the strength and integrity of African justice.

Thank you for your attention and consideration.


President Eliphete Joseph

On behalf of MUDJJ and the Haitian People.

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