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Apostrophe Idea2Income unveils funding program to support haitian startups and established businesses in the United States

Tweet Port-au-Prince, West, Haiti—21 January 2025—Apostrophe Idea2Income, a pioneer in business coaching and financial empowerment, is excited to introduce its new funding program to assist startups and established enterprises throughout the United States. This initiative explicitly seeks to provide Haitian entrepreneurs with the financial resources necessary for success.   To promote economic development and self-reliance, Apostrophe Idea2Income provides funding opportunities that enhance business potential and equip entrepreneurs with the essential tools for prosperity. Funding approval includes exclusive access to coaching sessions […]



Vidéo. President Biden delivers his farewell address to the nation from the Oval Office

Tweet Le président Biden délivre son dernier discours à la nation depuis le Bureau Ovale. Four years ago, we stood in a winter of peril and a winter of possibilities. We were in the grip of the worst pandemic in a century, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, and the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War. But we came together as Americans, and we braved through it. We emerged stronger, more prosperous, and more secure. […]

today2025-01-16 1


Haiti and Vivian from the iconic movie “Pretty Woman” share the same exploitation and redeeming narratives.

Tweet In the 1990 classic film “Pretty Woman,” Vivian, a young prostitute, is trapped in a cycle of exploitation. She is used, undervalued, and treated as disposable by society. But then Edward, a wealthy businessman, sees something in her beyond her circumstances. Although his initial intentions are transactional, he soon falls in love with her and helps transform her life. Their story is of redemption, love, and the power of seeing potential where others only saw a commodity. Haiti’s journey […]

today2024-10-13 3

NEHRO : Lettre ouverte à M. Trump pour dénoncer ses « propos racistes » contre les Haïtiens en Ohio


NEHRO : Lettre ouverte à M. Trump pour dénoncer ses « propos racistes » contre les Haïtiens en Ohio

Tweet NEHRO condamne fermement les accusations racistes de Donald Trump contre les Haïtiens New England Human Rights Organization (NEHRO) a condamné fermement, dans un communiqué publié mardi soir, les propos tenus par Donald Trump, candidat à la présidence des États-Unis, et par son colistier James David Vance. Les deux hommes sont accusés d’avoir répandu une fausse rumeur selon laquelle les Haïtiens nouvellement installés à Springfield, dans l’Ohio, consommeraient les animaux domestiques des résidents, tels que les chats et les canards. […]

today2024-09-12 2


Owning a business not only means selling products

Tweet Many believe that selling products or chasing after income is the only route to wealth. But the reality is that the market is already saturated with people selling the very products you’re considering. Whether it’s the latest skincare line, fitness supplements, or trendy apparel, you’ll enter a competitive space where standing out can be challenging.Furthermore, income alone doesn’t guarantee a comfortable retirement. You might make a significant salary, but you may be short of your retirement goals if you’re […]


Nixon A. Charles’s new book “Socio-Legal Problems in Rural Haitian Environment: A Major Cause of Haiti’s Decadency” explores the ongoing issues in rural Haiti


Nixon A. Charles’s new book “Socio-Legal Problems in Rural Haitian Environment: A Major Cause of Haiti’s Decadency” explores the ongoing issues in rural Haiti

Tweet Headline  Author Nixon A. Charles’s new book “Socio-Legal Problems in Rural Haitian Environment: A Major Cause of Haiti’s Decadency” explores the ongoing issues in rural Haiti.  Short Description Recent release “Socio-Legal Problems in Rural Haitian Environment: A Major Cause of Haiti’s Decadency” from Hawes & Jenkins Publishing author Nixon A. Charles delves into the complexities of Haiti’s agricultural sector, analyzing the systemic issues contributing to agricultural self-insufficiency and food insecurity.  Long Description  Nixon A. Charles, holds an MBA from […]

today2024-08-20 2


Revamping Haiti’s political party system toward effective governance

Tweet Haiti’s abundance of political parties yields a fragmented parliament where no party has ever secured a majority. This leads to frequent gridlocks and legislative standstills that dilute presidential influence to pass laws effectively and hampers effective governance.  Political parties lack representation nationwide due to their weak organizational structure and ineffective outreach strategies to engage the constituency and energize the voting base. Revamping the political party system would pave the way for more stable governance and a more functional parliamentary […]

today2024-08-19 1


Visa Biden – USCIS continue d’accepter le formulaire I-134A malgré la suspension des ATA

Tweet DHS has temporarily paused the issuance of Advanced Travel Authorizations (ATA) for new CHNV beneficiaries while it undertakes a review of the supporter application process. USCIS continues to accept Form I-134A, however, no requests will be confirmed until the review of the supporter application process is complete. Beneficiaries who have already received an ATA should check their myUSCIS account for updates before making travel arrangements and prior to travel. Individuals with a valid ATA are permitted to travel. ATA […]

today2024-08-09 2


Transcript of President Joe Biden’s full remarks on Saturday and Sunday following the shooting of Donald Trump

Tweet Biden Asks America to ‘Lower the Temperature’ After Trump Shooting The White House provided this transcript of Biden’s remarks on Saturday night: Thanks for coming, folks.  I’ve been thoroughly briefed by all the agencies in the federal government as to the situation, based on what we know now. I have tried to get a hold of Donald.  He’s with his doctors.  They — apparently, he’s doing well.  I plan on talking to him shortly, I hope, when I get […]

today2024-07-15 4
