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The sounds and sights of Gonaïves’ Vodou festival captivate audiences, challenge stereotypes and foster resilience

Arts & Culture

The sounds and sights of Gonaïves’ Vodou festival captivate audiences, challenge stereotypes and foster resilience

Under the glow of candles and vibrant lights, Gonaïves’ second annual Vodou festival celebrates Haitian heritage through music, dance, and rituals. While insecurity lingers, Vodou practitioners reject claims of gang ties, focusing instead on unity and resilience. Festival runs weekends through Jan. 6, 2025. The post The sounds and sights of Gonaïves’ Vodou festival captivate audiences, challenge stereotypes and foster resilience appeared first on The Haitian Times. The sounds and sights of Gonaïves’ Vodou festival captivate audiences, challenge stereotypes and […]

today2024-11-20 1

The sounds and sights of Gonaïves’ Vodou festival captivate audiences, challenge stereotypes and foster resilience

Arts & Culture

The sounds and sights of Gonaïve’s Vodou festival captivates audiences, challenges stereotypes and fosters resilience

Under the glow of candles and vibrant lights, Gonaïves’ second annual Vodou festival celebrates Haitian heritage through music, dance, and rituals. While insecurity lingers, Vodou practitioners reject claims of gang ties, focusing instead on unity and resilience. Festival runs weekends through Jan. 6, 2025. The post The sounds and sights of Gonaïve’s Vodou festival captivates audiences, challenges stereotypes and fosters resilience appeared first on The Haitian Times. The sounds and sights of Gonaïve’s Vodou festival captivates audiences, challenges stereotypes and […]

today2024-11-18 2

Across Haiti’s cities, Fèt Chanpèt celebrates vibrant culture and spiritual heritage 

Arts & Culture

Across Haiti’s cities, Fèt Chanpèt celebrates vibrant culture and spiritual heritage 

The Haitian government in a survey published in 2017 officially reveals that only 2.1% of the population of Haiti practices Vodou and 55% are Catholic. The post Across Haiti’s cities, Fèt Chanpèt celebrates vibrant culture and spiritual heritage  appeared first on The Haitian Times. Across Haiti’s cities, Fèt Chanpèt celebrates vibrant culture and spiritual heritage  was first posted on July 1, 2024 at 10:08 am.

today2024-07-01 2

Haiti’s Terrier Rouge celebrates Saint-Pierre and Saint-Paul in a colorful blend of faith and tradition

Arts & Culture

Haiti’s Terrier Rouge celebrates Saint-Pierre and Saint-Paul in a colorful blend of faith and tradition

In Terrier Rouge's Saint-Pierre and Saint-Paul Fèt Chanpèt, the faithful gather for prayers and mystical ceremonies while the streets fill with music, dance, and vendors selling devotional items. Monsignor Quesnel Alphonse encourages all to seek moments of spiritual awakening. From June to August, more than 30 provincial towns become alive with Fét Champét a cultural and spiritual celebration, drawing Haitians from all corners and beyond. The post Haiti’s Terrier Rouge celebrates Saint-Pierre and Saint-Paul in a colorful blend of faith […]

today2024-07-01 2
